16 May - 10 June 2022 in SRI LANKA
Courageous leadership, personal liberation and wellbeing residency for big hearted rebels to reclaim joy, stand boldly in purpose, and make a difference on a new level.
UNCHARTED is a month-long experience on the coast of Sri Lanka for change makers, big hearted rebels in business, and brave souls ready to connect with their purpose and make their mark.
In your private oasis...
On an island, nestled between green rice paddy fields and the sparkling turquoise ocean. This is a space of support, nurturing, and abundant time to explore both unknown parts of yourself and the stunning country we’re in. Gain the resources needed to take a big leap, live and lead as your whole self, and up level your unique brand of positive impact for the world.
Thoughtfully designed in consideration of the local community, the environment, and your health and well-being, UNCHARTED will bring you an experience of peace, the natural world, community, courage, adventure, wonder, personal expansion and a new way of leading.

A change is calling, are you ready?
Dear Sacred Rebel, Change Advocate, Pioneer for a New Way,
I see you. You’re often a solo voice in your space, you know you are here for more. More joy, more connection, more purpose, more positive impact. More freedom. More of life’s wonder.
But right now something is missing. A sense of deep meaning in your work, a well from which you can draw. There’s a stuckness along the path and you’ve lost the sense of ‘living fully.’
Time for you and what you care about is relegated to weekends and short vacations that must be “earned” and there’s a disconnect between the you who shows up at work and the you who craves to live in a way that lights your soul on fire.
I get it, because I’ve been there. My life used to look so different and I know there is another way.
You care deeply about shaping a better future for all, yet exhaustion causes you to question how to go on in your current way. You’ve had enough. This way can continue no longer, it may even be physically painful to keep treading this well-worn path. But even though you are ready to be transformed, you are not sure where to turn next. What to do?
You are worthy of more. And UNCHARTED is here to help you get there. UNCHARTED will help you remember who you really are and lead a life and a vocation from this deep and authentic place within. Recognize your own voice, your own wants, your own unique gifts to be shared in this one wild and precious life.
Think of this as a big liberating trip that brings you a sense of lightness and calm, deep connection and meaningful impact. So you can launch the new business, write that chapter of your book, speak up boldly in the boardroom, finally see treasured lifestyle accessories made by fairly paid artisans in sustainable materials, create accessible channels of new business funding for all women, and balance the important things while creating vital space to remain connected to yourself in your days.
I am ready now, where do I sign up for this epic trip?!

The stuckness, the suffering, the exhaustion and confusion… I’ve so been there.
For years I shoved down the discomfort of frustration, loneliness, feeling like I was beating my head against a wall, screaming into an empty room, and the burnout of doing something I didn’t 1000% believe in. Until I could not.
I began to question my path and what had driven me thus far in my corporate persona of endless striving and to-do lists, self-inflicted pressure to be productive, always “busy,” over-achieving, and an emphasis on my masculine traits with a de-emphasis of feminine qualities.
I worried this predictable hamster wheel was all I would have to look back on.
As a Corporate Responsibility Director, I spent 14 years crafting my ‘dream job,’ working up to my goal salary, challenging fashion’s capitalistic systems to operate in new ways, traveling to places and meeting people who expanded my heart and my thinking.
And yet, I didn’t feel soul-on-fire good like a dream job ‘should.’
I felt frustrated, exhausted, and like my contributions were somehow not enough.
As I began to question my life’s work’s value to me and to the world, I also began to question my sense of self - I identified strongly with my role, my achievements, my striving.
I wondered…
Who would I be without this work? Without these problems to solve? What is it I REALLY care about? How do I want to contribute? … The scary thing was, I didn’t know the answers. Or what I would do even if I did.
And the stunning question: What if I make no changes and keep living this way?
I was clinging desperately to my marriage for emotional support, suffocating my partner while not being available to offer much in return. I spent more intense hours at the gym every week than my body could handle in an effort to offset the stress and frustration I felt at work. When I woke up on a weekday or drove within a couple miles of the office a sickly pit in my stomach grew out of nowhere.
I knew something had to give…But I wasn’t sure where to turn or what to do. Maybe in the same way you are feeling lost right now?
A life changing ‘ah-ha’…
One fateful supply chain trip to Southeast Asia changed everything.
The country was Sri Lanka. The year was 2018. I challenged myself to try new things, meet new people, go to this new country. Because I intuitively knew by taking myself out of my comfort zone I would gain clarity for the unknown I felt looming in my future.
And an epiphany saved my life.
As I sat on the departure flight digesting that first visit (of now eight!) in my first-ever journal, a turquoise moleskin I treasure to this day, a shockingly simple - and at the same time confounding - ah-ha emerged.
In Sri Lanka I had seen myself joyful. I felt joy reminiscent of the childhood wonder and awe of playing in summertime coastal Maine tide pools with my little sister as a young girl.
And I realised how deeply unhappy I really was.
In Sri Lanka I didn’t have to strive, achieve, win, or be a particular way. I could just be me, or begin to experience who that may be. I felt like I met for the first time - or remembered - the happiest, healthiest, most confident and free version of me.
When was the last time you were this version of yourself?
I realized it was only me standing in my own way, holding myself back while the keys to my self-made cage were in my pocket.
On that flight home, I accepted a gentle invitation to my curiosity. How might I begin to live in and create from closer alignment with my purpose and values? And to be honest, at the time I didn’t even really have an idea of what that meant.
And what I realized was I can choose to create my life differently, walk an unprescribed path in a new way and stand for and in my values every day.
I learned to get curious with my fears, hold compassion for my inner negative narratives, take responsibility for what was mine and not more, kept listening to the gravitational pull to do something new, and I began working with new mentors, coaches, and guides.
What I have now is a strong and loving partnership, a community of support, a business and a path I am proud of, a feeling of independence and fulfillment in my days, and the joy of drifting intentionally between countries.
And I’ve been supporting pioneers like you to make big shifts in the direction of what lights them up, whether that is working in a new way at the same place, bravely learning new skills and starting a new career after over a decade in one track, moving countries or states, being easier on themselves, and doing work and living lives that boldly contribute to something beyond themselves.
This is your invitation. Join us.

UNCHARTED is a journey in discovering and
co-creating a new way
Come, brave seeker, intrepid traveler, join me for UNCHARTED, a residency program on the southwest coast of Sri Lanka from May 16 to June 10, 2022 where courageous leadership development and coaching meet yoga and Ayurvedic wellbeing surrounded by nature.
This is a transformative experience for reclaiming your joy, connecting with and sinking into your purpose, laying the groundwork to meaningfully amplify your work’s impact with clarity.
When purpose and values exist in harmony, a deep well of courage springs forth; a sense of self-compassion to hold your own hand as you tread a new path.
This is our most powerful way to lead change, to shape ourselves authentically, and to experience more joy and fulfillment in this life.
What awaits is not a typical leadership development seminar, nor is it a yoga retreat, or a mojito filled escape from the now.
I’m not promising to wave a magic wand and life will be all peacocks dancing and rainbows over rice fields (though it can be in Sri Lanka!).
UNCHARTED is a powerful journey where you will develop a new way of leading and a lifestyle with more ease and enjoyment while still making an impact and doing your important work.
Imagine waking rested, feeling vibrant and creative, and not sleeping far fewer hours than you work.
I know it feels comfortable following the default path. That leadership model and route has gotten you this far, right?
But I believe you feel a rumbling beneath the surface. A deep knowing that there is another way…UNCHARTED is the catalyst.

This is for you if...
You crave time in nature, adventure, community, tranquility, connection with self
Love to travel and get deeply curious about a place
Are ready for a leadership paradigm shift
Value growth, personal development, new learnings and experiences
Desire to regularly feel more joy and wonder in your life
You wish to acquaint with your wild possibility
Body movement is important to your desired lifestyle
Luxe private accommodations, delicious healthy food, spacious outdoor space are things you look for when booking long term travel
You are looking for a safe space and supportive container in which to Go for it! Bring a dream to life or a future possibility into the present
Whether you’re seeking sanctuary in solitude, belonging in community, nature unbounded, a new embodiment of leadership and living fully, or a change of scenery and routine, a rich mix of all is available to you from which to nourish and harvest your highest possibility.

Our 25 transformative days together…
Welcome to the southwest coast of Sri Lanka, a little gem of a village called Ahangama!
To your private oasis at Nirbana Villa, a breathtaking Ayuredic luxury wellness villa nestled on Thalduwa Island. The property is hugged between green rice paddy fields and the sparkling turquoise ocean on a spacious jungle-y property with a gorgeous pool and our own yoga shala in the treetops.

What’s included:​​
25 nights at a luxury private villa in the jungle in your own private room with en suite bath, AC, full bed, private outdoor seating
An intimate community of up to 9 big hearted change makers
Meals prepared onsite by talented Ayurvedic chef: fresh and unique vegetarian breakfast Monday - Friday and 4 dinners weekly
Unique dining experiences at some of our favorite local cafes and homes
16 sessions of morning yoga
Mindful movement practices
7 facilitated and interactive workshops to ground and deepen your impact with a new way of leading and creating, based on 14 years of corporate social intrapreneurship and informed by a quest for purpose, fulfillment, and sustainable shifts
Experiential integration sessions (i.e. creative workshops, ritual, storytelling, time in nature, etc.)
Weekly Sri Lankan adventures (i.e. surf lesson, bike ride through rice paddy fields, Ayurvedic healing, local music, etc.)
Hear stories of courage and innovation from local social entrepreneurs in a live conversation
Roundtrip airport transfer to/from the villa
Special opening and closing ceremony
Passes to the local co-working space, Hari Hari House
Weekly Sinhala lessons
Sunset Catamaran Sailing
On-site stand up paddle boards (SUP)
Volunteer day
Tuk tuk transport from/to villa for excursions and scheduled events
Local sim card
What’s not included:
Weekend meals/weekend activities
Lunches (some exceptions…tea/fruit available week days)
Alcohol (available for purchase in town)
Transportation outside of schedule

Tell me more...
This is where you put down that heavy burden you are carrying even if just for a moment, and dare to step off the treadmill on which you’ve worn a weary path…
…here a space emerges to truly listen to yourself, the quiet voice that’s been waiting for you all along.
Through joy, wonder, and adventure, rediscover purpose, be supported by a leadership framework for your deeper development as a change agent, a big hearted rebel in business.
During UNCHARTED, you’ll realize a clear vision to generate your greatest ripple and shape a world - and a life - through your unique way of being.
Let’s picture it for a moment…
A slow and nourishing start to the day with yoga and breathwork or lite meditation at the villa. Where the distractions and usual grind waking to an alarm clock and rushing off to work is a distant memory for now. In a nearby rice paddy field, overlooking the ocean, or even out on our very own stand up paddle boards, followed by a delicious Ayurvedic breakfast.
If we don’t begin with yoga, we might start the day with a surf lesson or a pedal bike ride through the jungle and town, hitting up a local cafe on the way home.
You have the day to yourself for exploration, time in nature, writing, spa treatments, work, whatever serves.
We will regroup for a couple hours before sunset for an impactful and interactive workshop, integration experience, or a Sri Lankan specialty and then sit down to enjoy a delicious Ayurvedic-based dinner as you revel in the excitement of the clarity you’ve just uncovered for a new idea, a better way to hold meetings with your team, and the space you will create in your schedule back home for your own life-giving priorities.

Why Sri Lanka?
Sri Lanka has been a teacher to me, a place and community I continually return to discover, and rediscover, myself. I have rediscovered great courage and trust in being my unique me, which feels like…liberation.
The jewel of the Indian Ocean, is a country of warmth, community, shared humanity, resilience, stunning, unrefined and lush natural landscapes of all seasons.
She is a teacher of slow time, where there is space to stretch unhurried into the day, wandering through the jungle or overlooking the ocean to clear your mind first, rather than rushing to meetings gulping coffee and without any breakfast.
She is a student of nature, a feminine spirit nurturing and playful, a reflection of your courageous vulnerability, uniqueness, connection to something beyond yourself, and beautiful open heartedness.
In Sri Lanka you are as likely to have a deep and heart opening conversation with a tuk tuk driver about the slogan on the back of his 3-wheeler as you are with a Buddhist Chief Monk at the market, a foundation leader or an executive. You will interact with people from Sri Lanka as well as many other countries and walks of life and learn about all the creative, sufficient, and generous ways there are to live, to lead, to love.
You will hear passionate stories of history, resilience, courage, faith, community, hope, and great generosity.
You will feel the sun on your skin, the salt in your hair, the sand on your toes, the rain on your cheeks, the fresh air in your lungs.
The dawn breaks with more bird calls than can be counted, the smell of hibiscus in the air mixed with rice paddy morning dew and the first cooking fires heating spicy curries.
The feeling is peace and possibility humming to life at a pace that is just right for your human nature.

When the residency completes, you will have...​​
The clarity of an authentically inspired and passionate alignment between personal purpose, values, and vocation for the path ahead and how to make that happen
Trust and confidence in how to bring a new personal threshold into reality
New habits to interrupt the “I don’t have time” and confidently make “me time” a priority
New defaults for living a creatively designed life and work of impact back home
A leadership framework and lived experiences to support your evolution as a change maker
Exotic bird calls echoing in your ears and a peaceful place within you
Abundant time in nature
Robust renewal of physical, emotional, spiritual strength and energy
Ways to get into your body and clear and calm the mind
The courage to write your own story
Deep connection with like-hearted humans, new bffs, and a sense of service of something bigger than yourself
New practices to cultivate your creativity
Rituals for grounding in your worthiness
Impactful resources for dissolving fears and barriers, practicing presence, and being an empowered creator
Practical tools for innovatively solving problems and making complex decisions with ease
Attunement with and appreciation of your intuition as a resource
A more open hearted relationship with yourself, the community, Mama Earth
Not to mention the adventures, tastes, sounds, smells, sights, textures, stories, language, and heartfelt shared experiences for a lifetime. You’ll walk away with powerful inspiration for whatever lies ahead on your course.
Still on the fence? Book a 15 minute 1x1 chat with Ashley BOOK HERE
Still on the fence? Book a 15 minute 1x1 chat with Ashley BOOK HERE

Enjoy the PENTHOUSE SUITE with a private balcony, plus:
~ 60 minute complimentary reiki session
~ 30 minute coffee and chat with Ashley!
One-time pay in full:
$9,004 USD $9,554 after Feb 18th
Stress free payment plan:
$1,450 USD deposit to lock in $9,154
$9,704 after Feb 18th
Only one available so sign up fast!
I am currently working, do I need to take vacation for this?"It is entirely up to you and the experience you desire! Are you able to arrange temporary remote/location independent status? Of course you may work, there will be ample free time for whatever serves. Your package even includes 4 passes to the beachside co-working space, Hari Hari House. Also available to you is the opportunity to do differently, which is what changed my own life. UNCHARTED was designed with your work needs in mind, though the more you can check out of your habitual way of working and be fully present with this phenomenal experience, the more you may get. Specifics: There are approximately 15 hours of programming weekly (over 4-5 days), inclusive of week-day yoga/movement. With the exception of about once weekly where we meet over dinner, we will wrap by around 6pm.
Tell me more about the tropical villa and the meals.Nirbana is a luxury villa in Ahangama and has been reserved for UNCHARTED guests only, so we’ll have the whole property to ourselves. It is located along a river surrounded by as many shades of green as you can imagine and alllll the birdsong. You’ll get your own spacious private room with a double bed (or larger), en suite bathroom, AC, and outdoor seating. There is a pool, yoga shala, and fleet of stand up paddle boards. Breakfast will be provided Monday - Friday. Dinner will be provided at least 4 nights per week, with some additional special surprises. There will also be a few additional meals provided at some of our favorite locations as part of our programming or integration sessions. When the kitchen is not providing a meal or we are not scheduled to eat off site together, the kitchen will be available to you for your own preparation. There are also delivery options and tons of places to venture out within 5 - 25 minutes tuk tuk ride. No meals are provided Saturday/Sunday.
What am I really getting?Loads! Please see What’s Included This is not…a yoga retreat…a leadership development retreat for mastery of currently accepted skills and strategies of capitalism…or a tuned out vacation from your current situation. This is an opportunity to interrupt your status quo, disrupt outdated thinking and ways of walking through the world, change/shift/grow in new ways, connect with and build a collective of passionate leaders brave enough to lead in a new way for the betterment and inclusion of all.
What precautions are being taken to protect guests and the community against COVID-19?At this time, we are requiring participants to be fully vaccinated and boostered at least 14 days prior to the start of the retreat. Masks are to be worn in public, and we will be vigilant with cleaning.
May I bring a friend or partner who is not participating in the UNCHARTED residency?Please contact Ashley directly. If you feel called to participate but your partner just wants a chance to travel, let’s talk about it and come up with an empowered solution respectful of everyone’s experience.
What is your refund policy?It is our intention for you to be happy with the UNCHARTED and for each of us to fully invest in its success. There is a non-refundable hold deposit for the retreat to fairly compensate the Ashley Davis Collective for holding a space in the retreat for you and turning down other potential guests. Once we sign an agreement for your participation and your first payment has been made, you are committing to the full length of the retreat and any and all future payments as part of your chosen payment agreement. However, we know that life happens. If a life-changing event were to occur and you were absolutely not able to participate, we are happy to work with you to find an empowered solution for you by offering credit for future programs, individual coaching at a later date, or refunds as specified below. To reserve your space there is a $1,300.00 USD non-refundable hold deposit. Should you choose to cancel your participation in UNCHARTED prior to 8AM EST on March 15, 2022 you are eligible to receive a refund of the total amount paid to us, less the non-refundable deposit and a 3% transaction fee. Should you choose to cancel your participation in UNCHARTED after 8AM EST on March 15 and before 8AM EST on April 15, 2022 you are eligible for a 50% refund, less the non-refundable deposit and a 3% transaction fee. Should you choose to cancel your participation in the Retreat after 8AM EST on April 15, 2022 no refunds will be issued. All sales are final.
What is the cancellation policy?(See also Refund Q&A above. Here are a few cancellation scenarios for you to be aware of Participant cancellation due to contracting COVID: If you test positive for COVID (ugh, that totally stinks!) within 10 days of the UNCHARTED start date and cannot safely attend the Retreat after recovery or non-symptomatic quarantine, then we may request a copy of your positive PCR test report and you will be eligible for a 50% refund, less the non-refundable hold deposit amount and a 3% transaction fee. If you have tested positive for COVID and are able to safely attend within Week 1 of UNCHARTED, then your participation may be prorated. COVID Cancellation/Postponement: These policies may change at any time due to the very fluid and unpredictable situation. Please note that if UNCHARTED has to be postponed based on a border closure, a full credit for your retreat registration will be issued to be used for the postponement date. If the retreat is cancelled with no postponement date, a full refund less 3% transaction fees will be issued. If the retreat happens as scheduled, but you choose not to attend based on any other reason than a country's border closure, then the regular refund and cancellation policy apply. Cancellation due to low booking numbers: We reserve the right to cancel the retreat prior to the event if there are not enough participants signed up. In this case, you will be given a full refund including your deposit. We are not responsible for reimbursing travel or flights or any trip related expenses you may have incurred, so it is advised that you obtain travel insurance for the retreat. It will be confirmed by March 16, 2022 that this retreat is being held on the dates listed. If you purchase flights and/or other trip related expenses prior to this date you may be liable or those flights and purchases. Please check with your travel insurance provider.
What are Sri Lanka’s entry requirements?The following pages are updated regularly and are straightforward and easy to follow with all you need to know. For fully vaccinated travelers, no quarantine is required. Please visit Sri Lanka’s official site, Hello Again, for the most up to date information. We also recommend checking the Health Protocols for Arrivals to Sri Lanka for fully vaccinated travelers, available on the Hello Again page. Visa. Once your flights are booked/prior to departure you will need to apply online for a tourist visa. This is valid for 30 days (Uncharted is 25 nights). The turnaround time is usually a few days and you’ll need to print and bring this with you. Extended stay. If you’d like to stay longer than a 30 day tourist visa, we can help facilitate a visa extension for up to 6 months once you’ve arrived.
How does UNCHARTED benefit the local community?Every effort has been made to hire local Sri Lankans where possible, food is locally sourced, gifts and materials are from local artisans and social entrepreneurs, speakers are local social entrepreneurs, we will share a volunteer day, a portion of proceeds from UNCHARTED will be donated to a non-profit stewarding Sri Lanka’s environment, and the location, Nirbana, was chosen for its deep roots in the community and a history of giving back, as well as their commitment to continuously improving their operational sustainability. UNCHARTED is intentionally scheduled during the west coast’s surfing off-season so as to support local businesses in the low season. Ashley Davis Collective is GoodMarket Approved
Will there be coaching included?Group coaching is woven into the group workshops and integrations. You also have the opportunity to sign up for the VIP package (only 1!) which includes 30 minutes 1:1 with Ashley.